Senior Club Notes 27th July 2015

Last weekend was all about the senior championship as our junior championship game against Carrickedmond was postponed until this coming Sunday. Our senior team traveled to Ballinalee on Sunday last to take on Longford Slashers in round 2. In a game that was played in terrible conditions, we go off to a dreadful start and found ourselves 1-2 to a point down within minutes. The goal was a crucial score as despite our best efforts against a much hungrier and sharper Longford Slashers outfit we could not peg them back with Longford Slashers deservedly  winning out on a final score of 2-8 to 11 points. We have been drawn against Dromard in the next round which will take place on Sunday week in Drumlish.

This coming weekend our junior team face Carrickedmond in round 1 of the championship. The game is in Emmet Park at 2pm on Sunday.

Best wishes to the county minor team including our own representatives against Derry in the All Ireland qualifier on Saturday.

Our lotto draw took place on Sunday night in The Olde Forge and the numbers drawn were 4, 18, 21 and 30. There was no jackpot winner. €20 winners were Sharon Courtney, Kenagh, Philip Malone, Ballywillen, Josie Rowley, Killoe, Colette Hagan, Rhyne and Ray Masterson. This weeks sellers prize went to Frank Toher. Next weeks jackpot rises to €4,800 with the draw in Begley’s bar on Sunday night. Thanks again to all who play our lotto, either locally or on line.

Finally we extend our deepest sympathies to John Reilly and family, Bawn on their bereavement last week.