Our Club Lotto is back:
Our Club Lotto is back on Monday night June 1st with a jackpot of €10,500 to be won. Due to the current circumstances our lotto will be ran fully on line and you can purchase your tickets by clicking the link on our facebook page or downloading the Clubforce App on your phone. If you require any assistance in buying a ticket please contact any member of the club executive. All tickets have to be in by 6pm on next Monday evening. If there are no jackpot winners there will be 2 lucky dips picked from all the tickets sold and both will receive €30 each. Our lotto draw will take place every Sunday night after next weekend. Anyone who had tickets bought for the draw the 15th of March they will be entered in this draw.
The club would like to send sincere sympathy to the Toher family on their recent bereavement.
Brendan Bracken Pro – Emmet Og Gaa